Walt Gooder Distinguished Service Award

A Brief History of Walt Gooder

Some of Walt’s accomplishments:

1982    President, Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA)

1984    Founding member, Alberta Turfgrass Research Foundation (ATRF)

1986    Founding member, Alberta Golf Superintendents Association (AGSA)

1988    Master Superintendent designation, CGSA

1997    CGSA Superintendent of the Year

2006    AGSA Distinguished Service Award

2008    CGSA John B. Steel Distinguished Service Award


2023 Walt Gooder Distinguished Service Award Winner – Reid Solodan

The Walt Gooder Distinguished Service Award is the AGSA’s highest honor given to a turfgrass professional.  It was named after Walter Gooder, who was one of the founding members of the AGSA in 1986.  Walt was a mentor to many Superintendents of the AGSA and had a profound influence on shaping our profession both Provincially and Nationally. 

This award is given to and individual who excels as a Superintendent in many areas.  Some of the criteria include:

       Involvement in the AGSA


       Community Involvement

       Environmental Stewardship



       Contribution to the Industry both Provincially & Nationally

This year’s candidate has all those qualities and many more! 

He has been at his current club since 2004, he holds the CGSA national designation of Accredited Golf Superintendent.  He helped the club become Audubon Certified

He served on the AGSA board of Directors from 2013- 2019 serving as President in 2018.  He has hosted many provincial events including those of his peers, the AGSA Championship, and CGSA National Fall Field Day. 

He has also received awards on the national Level: 

In 2019 he received CGSA/Rain Bird Environmental Achievement of the Year Award

In 2020 he won CGSA Gordon Witteveen Award for Article of the Year for Vermicomposting 101

Somehow, he still has time to serve for his local community.  He was a member of the Canmore minor hockey Board of Directors for the past ten years.  He is also currently serving as a board member of the Canmore Eagles Junior A hockey team.  He has coached in minor hockey at many levels and currently is an Assistant Coach of the Innisfail Eagles Senior Hockey team.

One of the things that always impressed me was that Reid never did anything half fast!  If he was on a committee or board, he was all in all the time. This sentiment is echoed with everything he works on.  This award is well deserved.

 He is supported of course by Terri and their children Rien and Gray.

It is my honor to present my colleague and friend Reid Solodan with the 2023 Walt Gooder Distinguished Service Award. 

Mark Begin
Golf Course Superintendent
Medicine Hat Golf & CC

President AGSA

Past Recipients

2022Jason Clouston
2021Hugh Greene
2020Dustin Zdan
2019Wade Peckham
2018Terry Shinkewski
2017Wade Bishop
2016Keith Blayney
2015Barb Alexander
2014Paul Dodson
2013David Boyd
2012Wayne Brown
2011Bruce Constable
2010Jay Leach
2009Ron Hume
2008Glenn Genereux
2007James Beebe
2006Walt Gooder
2005Dean Morrison
2004Jon Clark
2003John Ing
2002David Sluchinski
2001Debbie Amirault
2000Andrew AuCoin
2023Reid Solodan

Nominate an Assistant Superintendent